Why Install a Fire Protection System at your Workplace?

 a fire protection specialist supplies fire extinguisher tanks to a business

 a fire protection specialist supplies fire extinguisher tanks to a business

There’s no question that every business is at risk of fire breakouts—in fact, they cause roughly $112 million worth of damage in the US annually. But by getting professional fire protection services to install a fire protection system at your workplace, you can save many lives.

Workplaces must know the fire risks within their environment and take the right steps to install fire protection systems to alert personnel in case a fire breaks out. You should always ensure that your staff and property remain secure at all times.

The main purpose of a fire protection system is to sense fire, excessive heat, or smoke and immediately alert the personnel. However, the type of fire protection system your building requires depends on its layout and age.

Let’s take a look at why installing a fire protection system at your workplace is important.

Cooking equipment contributes to the majority of fire breakouts in a workplace

If your workplace wants to conduct a fire drill based on a real-life scenario, a fire caused by cooking equipment, for example, a toaster, would be one of the best scenarios to practice.

Your workplace is at an increased risk of fire, especially due to cooking equipment. In fact, it’s reported that cooking equipment accounts for 29% of all workplace fires. Therefore, having a fire protection system at the workplace is quite important.

The solution?

Get a fire protection system and place fire extinguishers within 30 feet of stoves so they can be accessed within a few seconds. But don’t put them too close as flames or smoke could block access.

Ensure that you conduct fire extinguisher training. It isn’t just an OSHA requirement, but also important if your employees have to use fire extinguishers during a crisis.

 a fire protection specialist

 a fire protection specialist

Lighting and electrical distribution equipment aren’t too far off

While not looking menacing on paper, wires and lights can contribute to a destructive fire within an hour, especially when no one is in the office to deal with it. Unlike fires from cooking equipment, fires like these can cause severe damage to the property.

The solution?

Go for a fire protection system. Plus, get fire extinguishers that are rated for electrical fires (class C). It’s recommended that you call a professional fire protection specialist to do the assessment of your office building and find out how you can reduce your risks of an electrical fire.

Facilities USA helps you keep your business safe and compliant

As your fire protection specialist, we’re committed to helping you keep your people, merchandise, and properties safe from destructive fires.

Contact us now, and as your licensed fire protection contractor, we’ll help you design and implement an effective fire protection plan to limit the loss of life, property damage and reduce the chance of fire if flames do ignite.

Get a quote about our fire protection services now!


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